In digital mobile communications, efficient compression algorithms are needed to encode speech or audio signals. As the determined source parameters are highly sensitive to transmission errors, robust source and channel decoding schemes are required. This contribution deals with an iterative source-channel decoding approach where a simple channel decoder and a softbit-source decoder are concatenated. We mainly focus on softbit-source decoding which can be considered as an error concealment technique. This technique utilizes residual redundancy remaining after source coding. We derive a new formula that shows how the residual redundancy transforms into extrinsic information utilizable for iterative decoding. The derived formula opens several starting points for optimizations, e.g. it helps to find a robust index assignment. Furthermore, it allows the conclusion that softbit-source decoding is the limiting factor if applied to iterative decoding processes. Therefore, no significant gain will be obtainable by more than two iterations. This will be demonstrated by simulation
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