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Optimized Mappings for Iteratively Decoded BICM on Rayleigh Channels with IQ Interleaving

Thorsten Clevorn, Susanne Godtmann, and Peter Vary
Book Title:
Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring)
Melbourne, Australia
May 2006


A cost function for the optimization of mappings for bit-interleaved coded modulation systems with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) for a Rayleigh channel with applied IQ interleaving is derived. For this channel model the optimum mapping depends on the channel quality and on the rotation of the signal constellation set. Simulation results reveal that mappings optimized with the new cost function yield a better performance than previously known mappings. Furthermore, a second, easy procedure to obtain the optimum rotation angle for a signal constellation set in conjunction with IQ Interleaving is described.

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