This paper discusses a potential extension of the ITU-T G.729.1 speech and audio codec. The G.729.1 coder is hierarchically organized, i.e., the obtained quality increases with the amount of bits that is received for each frame. In particular, the bit rates of 8 and 12 kbit/s offer narrowband (50Hz – 4 kHz) speech transmission. With a received bit rate of at least 14 kbit/s, the output bandwidth is increased to the wideband frequency range (50Hz – 7 kHz). Here, we investigate efficient methods to provide the full wideband frequency bandwidth already for the lower bit rates of 8 and 12 kbit/s while maintaining interoperability with the standard implementation of G.729.1. These techniques are not necessarily limited to G.729.1 and thus may serve in other applications as well.
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