Recommendation G.729.1 [1] is a new ITU-T standard which was approved in May 2006. This recommendation describes a hierarchical speech and audio coding algorithm built on top of a narrowband core codec. One challenge in the codec design is the generation of a wideband signal with a very limited additional bit rate (less than 2 kbit/s). In this contribution we describe the respective codec layer, which extends the transmitted acoustic bandwidth from the narrowband frequency range (50Hz – 4 kHz) to the wideband frequency range (50Hz – 7 kHz). The underlying algorithm uses a fairly coarse parametric description of the temporal and spectral energy envelopes of the high frequency band (4 – 7 kHz). This parameter set is quantized with a bit rate of 1.65 kbit/s. At the decoder side, the high frequency components are regenerated by appropriately shaping a synthetically generated “excitation signal”. Apart from the algorithmic description and a discussion, we state a complexity evaluation as well as some listening test results.
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