Driven by the market success of high-quality Voice over IP technology, the introduction of wideband telephony with an acoustic bandwidth of at least 7 kHz is meanwhile also forseen for "traditional" digital voice communication services such as ISDN, DECT, or UMTS. While wideband speech addresses the basic requirement of intelligibility (even for meaningless syllables), the perceived "naturalness" and the experienced "quality" of speech can be further enhanced by providing an even larger acoustic bandwidth. Thus, the next logical step towards true "Hi-Fi Telephony" could be the rendering of "super-wideband" speech signals with an acoustic bandwidth of at least 14 kHz. In this contribution, we review previous and current standardization activities with this focus. Moreover, a method for artificial bandwidth extension (BWE) of wideband speech signals towards "super-wideband" is presented and evaluated. It is shown that improved naturalness and speech quality can be attained by a purely receiver-based modification of wideband terminals.
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