This paper describes the speech and audio codec that has been submitted to ITU-T by Huawei and ETRI as a candidate for the upcoming super-wideband and stereo extensions of Rec. G.729.1 and G.718. The core codec in the current implementation is G.729.1 and the encoded frequency range is increased from 7 kHz to 14 kHz. Therefore, the maximum bit rate is raised from 32 kbit/s to 64 kbit/s by adding five bitstream layers. A comprehensive overview of the codec is presented with a focus on the mono coding components. The results of the listening tests that have been conducted during the ITU-T qualification phase are summarized. The proposed codec passes all quality requirements for mono input signals.
Sec 5.1, corrected delay figures: 2.1875 ms → 2.21875 ms, 0.59 ms → 0.72 ms
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