This paper describes a new database of binaural room impulse responses (BRIR), referred to as the Aachen Impulse Response (AIR) database. The main field of application of this database is the evaluation of speech enhancement algorithms dealing with room reverberation. The measurements with a dummy head took place in a low-reverberant studio booth, an office room, a meeting room and a lecture room. Due to the different dimensions and acoustic properties, it covers a wide range of situations where digital hearing aids or other hands-free devices can be used. Besides the description of the database, a motivation for using binaural instead of monaural measurements is given. Furthermore an example using a coherence-based dereverberation technique is provided to show the advantage of this database for algorithm evaluation. The AIR database is being made available online.
Download the AIR database here
In Figure 3b) as well as in Table 1 the shortest distance of 2.25m for the lecture room is missing. The full list of the six considered distances is given in Table 2.
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