In this paper, we discuss the application of speech dereverberation techniques for post-processing of recordings taken in the German parliament. Based on a novel psychoacoustically-motivated dereverberation concept, a significant improvement in terms of the perceived quality is obtained in comparison to a conventional dereverberation approach. Since time-varying changes of the acoustical environment are negligible, all required acoustical parameters such as reverberation time (RT) and direct-to-reverberant- energy ratio (DRR), are determined in an off-line procedure.
The zip-archive contains the following files:
Reverberant speech
Enhanced speech with Polack's statistical model and strong setting
Enhanced speech with generalized statistical model by Habets and strong setting
Enhanced speech with psychoacoustic weighting and strong setting (NEW ALGORITHM)
Enhanced speech with Polack's statistical model and moderate setting
Enhanced speech with generalized statistical model by Habets and moderate setting
Enhanced speech with psychoacoustic weighting and moderate setting (NEW ALGORITHM)
Video where only the region from 7.5s to 18s is enhanced with the new algorithm (moderate setting)
Video where only the region from 7.5s to 18s is enhanced with the new algorithm (strong setting)
All files are processed at a sampling frequency of 32kHz and stored
after resampling at 48kHz.
Photographic material provided by the digital image service of the German Bundestag. (c) Werner Schüring (left) and Thomas Trutschel/ (right).
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