Active Noise Control (ANC) applications for headsets are strongly influenced by practical constraints. Nevertheless, most contributions targeting the development of novel algorithms for ANC headsets are based on simplified simulations and neglect practical limitations. In other publications, real-time ANC prototypes are proposed which involve dedicated (and often expensive) audio hardware. In most cases, however, only very basic concepts of ANC can be realized in real-time due to a high involved programming effort and limited computational power. In this contribution, a novel approach for the investigation and development of algorithms for ANC headsets is presented. This new approach, on the one side, enables to deeply investigate different algorithms efficiently and without significant development (and cost) effort. On the other side, it involves real audio hardware, highly accurate measurement techniques and recorded audio signals. Therefore it is almost as valuable for the integration of algorithms in future ANC headset devices as a realtime prototype. In order to demonstrate the benefits of the new approach, exemplary simulation results will be presented which have been produced involving a prototype device built from a commercial in-ear headset and a miniature size microphone.
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