RWTH Aachen
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Packet Loss Concealment with Side Information for Voice over IP in Cellular Networks

Frank Mertz and Peter Vary
Book Title:
ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation
Kiel, Germany
Apr. 2006


In this paper we present a concept for robust speech transmission on packet based cellular networks with packet losses. We transmit selected side information of low bit rate to assist the receiver's packet loss concealment routine in reconstructing lost frames of standard ACELP based speech codecs, e.g., AMR Wideband. The side information indicates which particular estimation technique the receiver should use to restore speech parameters of the respective frame. Further improvement can be achieved by additionally transmitting the coarsely quantized estimation error. The achievable quality gains are evaluated by parameter SNR, spectral distortion, and Wideband PESQ measures.

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