The introduction of packet switched (PS) networks (e.g., IMS) creates a need to evaluate speech transmission quality when using the 3GPP default speech codecs. 3GPP SA4 has created a work item in 3GPP Release 6 on "Performance characterization of default codecs for PS conversational application". France Telecom R&D and Siemens proposed a test framework consisting of a UMTS simulator for the air interface and an IP network simulator. ITU-T recommendation P.800 (1996) is used for the quality estimation of the transmission. The real-time conversational test results show that the AMR-NB (adaptive multirate narrow band) and AMR-WB (AMR wide band) speech codecs are well suited for PS conversational applications. Furthermore, the results clearly show a higher understanding when using AMR-WB rather than AMR-NB.
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