A recently published novel simulcast cellular architecture for mobile radio implements corner illumination of a cell by two or three base stations and overlapping cells. Due to the macroscopic diversity, the transmission impairments caused by fading are reduced significantly. In this contribution we demonstrate the pronounced positive effect of adaptive power control on the co-channel carrier-to-interference ratio for simulcast architectures, especially in comparison to conventional structures with a single base station per cell. In contrast to conventional cellular structures with a single base station per cell, adaptive power control reduces the outage probabilities of simulcast networks substantially, if compared with the operation without power control. Therefore, the capacity benefits of simulcast are further increased by the means of appropriate power control algorithms. Further improvements can be obtained if the restriction to a constant received carrier power is dropped. For the downlink, the optimum operation is in general that only a single base station transmits at a certain time in each simulcast cell. From the carrier-to-interference ratio point of view, the best representative uplink reception power in a simulcast cell is approximately the sum of the received powers in the cell. Capacity improvements larger than a factor of 2.5 with respect to conventional sectorization are gained by threefold supply simulcast employing power control.
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