In our contribution we will analyze a set of system configurations for BICM-ID receivers (bit interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding). While the effective number of data bits per modulation symbol is the same for all configurations, the division into code rate and modulation order shall be different. For instance, one configuration might use a rate 1/2 channel code in combination with QPSK-modulation, while in another configuration a rate 1/6 code with 64-QAM might be considered. It can be anticipated that all configurations differ in complexity and performance. In a second step, the originally independently designed configurations shall converge into a single jointly optimized configuration. That means, a common transmitter is designed whose output symbol sequence can be decoded by any of the above mentioned receiver configurations. For that purpose, it is proposed to apply the concepts of Incremental Redundancy to offer different code rates as well as of Hierarchical Modulation for the signal constellation sets of different modulation order. Thanks to these concepts, it is possible to design a transmitter using a rate 1/6 code with 64-QAM and a receiver with a different configuration like rate 1/2 and QPSK.
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