We consider the problem of transmitting a wideband speech signal with a cut-off frequency of fc = 7 kHz over a standardized narrowband (fc = 3.4 kHz) communication link in a backwards compatible manner. In a previous contribution [1] we have shown that backwards compatibility can be achieved by using digital watermarking: We embedded compact side information about the missing high frequency band (3.4 − 7 kHz) into the narrowband speech signal. Here, we present a related system which is especially tailored to state-of-the-art narrowband speech communication networks such as GSM or UMTS. Therefore, we propose an improved low bit rate bandwidth extension algorithm along with a robust watermarking scheme for CELP-type speech codecs. The practical relevance of our system is shown by speech quality evaluations and by link-level simulations for the “Enhanced Full Rate Traffic Channel” (TCH/EFS) of the GSM cellular communication system.
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