Today's software debugging tools are generally tailored to the needs of programmers and software developers. However, the needs of algorithm developers are only poorly supported. In this paper, it is proposed to enhance traditional software debugging tools with powerful algorithm analysis functionality, as e.g. provided by Matlab. Thereby, the focus is on applications in digital signal processing where new algorithmic debugging tools which operate on the C level can significantly simplify the development process. This idea has been implemented for the integrated development environment (IDE) Eclipse and the GNU project debugger GDB. The enhanced debugger provides, among others, the following features: breakpoints with data transfer to / from Matlab, nonintrusive data sampling, support for user-defined processing scripts. The efficacy of the proposed tool is demonstrated in an example debugging session. As a representative algorithm in digital signal processing, the Adaptive Multirate (AMR) speech codec which is widely used in GSM cellular networks has been selected.
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