We present a new class of channel codes, which we call Source Optimized Channel Codes (SOCCs). These codes are designed by an optimization process, which takes into account the source and channel statistics as well as a quality measure. The quality measure is different from that of conventional channel coding, which usually aims at a minimum residual bit or sequence error rate. Instead, the code design is based on a quality measure in the domain of the continuous-valued source encoder symbols (e.g. speech parameters). At the receiver we exploit the code redundancy not for error correction, but to support parameter estimation in terms of Soft Bit Source Decoding (SBSD). Designing SOCCs with respect to the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) quality measure is considered in detail. To show the potential of SOCCs, we let them compete with a channel coding scheme including Unequal Error Protection (UEP) and Source Controlled Channel Decoding (SCCD). These experiments are performed using a common communication model to guarantee a fair comparison of the results.
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