A novel semi-analytical signal processing model for the binaural coherence of homogeneous isotropic noise fields is presented in this contribution. This is derived from a simplified geometrical model of the human head, where the shadowing between the left and right ear is modeled by two non-reflecting circular plates. Based on Kirchhoff’s diffraction theory, it is shown how the corresponding coherence is calculated. This model can be used as part of various binaural signal processing algorithms, such as speech enhancement for digital hearing aids or binaural speech transmission systems. In experiments using an artificial head in a highly reverberant environment, it is confirmed that the proposed theoretical model shows a good match with the coherence obtained from measurements.
Matlab reference implementation |
The zip-file contains the following files:
Main function to generate 3D and 2D noise fields taking into account
head shadowing
Example script for coherence calculation and the comparison to
free-field coherence models
BSD license
(Tested under Windows 7 (64bit) and Matlab r2010b (64bit))
V1.0 – First official release (January 2011)
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