Noise pollution has a large negative influence on the health of humans, especially in case of long-term exposure. Vari- ous passive hearing protection approaches are available. However, they often lack good protection against low frequency noise. For these applications, the principle of Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) offers a promising supplement. It relies on anti-phase compensation of the noise signal. Within the area of ANC, only few publications deal with the Kalman filter approach. The state-of-the-art in literature is briefly reviewed. The algorithm presented in this contribution is inspired by the time-domain Kalman filter. The Kalman filter has the favorable property of fast convergence as well as good tracking properties. Especially the tracking of time-varying noise conditions is often a drawback of least-mean-square (LMS) and recursive-least-square (RLS) approaches. The proposed algorithm uses the Kalman equations which are extended by online model parameter estimation based on observable signals. This results in faster convergence and higher robustness against dynamically changing noise conditions. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by means of convergence, tracking and stability with measured acoustic paths from a real-time system.
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