An improved approach for the estimation of the frequency dependent
reverberation time (RT) by means of allpass transformed filterbanks
is presented. It is shown that by means of these warped filterbanks,
a much more accurate RT estimation at lower frequencies
can be obtained than by octave filter-banks, which are commonly
used for the estimation of the frequency dependent RT. Furthermore,
allpass transformed filter-banks can achieve a much better approximation
of the non-uniform frequency resolution of the human auditory
system than octave filter-banks. A uniform or non-uniform
(auditory) frequency resolution can thereby be simply adjusted by a
single allpass coefficient.
The RT estimation can be done with an allpass transformed DFT or
DCT filter-bank. The warped DCT filter-bank is of special interest
as it provides real-valued subband signals. This facilitates the use of
a maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator for either a non-blind estimation
of the frequency dependent RT from a room impulse response
or a blind estimation from a reverberant speech signal.
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